Ironmark Blog

Feb 14, 2019

Ironmark Picks: Top 5 Love-Themed Video Ads for Valentine’s Day

Posted by Chris McCready
You may know that today is Valentine’s Day. If we just reminded you, why are you still reading this post?! Go get your S.O. a gift, the rest of us will wait. Just come back ...
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Topics: Digital Marketing

Feb 04, 2019

Top 5 Realistic Ways to Use Augmented Reality

Posted by Lynne Kingsley
Augmented Reality (AR). If you don’t know what it is, here is a little refresher. You may know what it is, or heck, you may even use it yourself on the daily. But have you ...
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Topics: Print Marketing, Digital Marketing

Jan 29, 2019

Amazing Ways to Integrate Print into Your Digital Campaign

Posted by Chris McCready
“Online killed physical advertising,” they said. “No one cares about print mailers anymore,” they said. Well, they are WRONG! Besides that, who is “they,” anyway?...
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Topics: Print Marketing, Digital Marketing

Dec 21, 2018

Ironmark Picks: Top 12 Ad Campaigns of 2018

Posted by Samantha Smith
The holidays are upon us, and families are gathering to celebrate joy, happiness, and football games. It’s a time for people to be snuggled up in their living rooms, watching ...
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Topics: Digital Marketing

Dec 12, 2018

Why Topic Clusters & Pillar Pages are the SEO of Tomorrow

Posted by Chris McCready
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the only constant is change. Right when you think you’ve figured out Google’s algorithms, the company does an about-face ...
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Topics: Digital Marketing

Dec 06, 2018

What’s Next: Digital Marketing Trend Predictions for 2019

Posted by Lynne Kingsley
It’s a brave new world out there, and it’s getting braver. The pace of change is increasingly faster and new technologies in digital marketing are coming to market quicker ...
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Topics: Digital Marketing