Ironmark Blog

8 Ways to Save Time Using ChatGPT

Written by Lynne Kingsley | Jun 20, 2023

We all know the feeling of wishing there were more hours in the day. With ever-growing to-do lists and a range of responsibilities, we’re desperate for ways to save time. Luckily, we live in a day and age where tools exist to make it possible to accomplish every task on our list. Tools like ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot, have the potential to help people in every industry, in every role, save time.

Identifying Needs for ChatGPT

Initially, you may only see ChatGPT as a content generation tool. Fortunately, ChatGPT has exponentially more potential than just a way to write blogs, essays, and emails. The Ironmark AI Task Force has curated a list of the top eight ways to save time using OpenAI’s ChatGPT:

  1. Customer Support Automation: Train ChatGPT to handle common customer inquiries and support tickets. It can provide instant responses, troubleshoot basic issues, and guide customers to relevant resources, reducing the need for manual customer support.
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Create a chatbot powered by ChatGPT that can answer frequently asked questions from customers or employees. This can help alleviate the burden on your support team and provide immediate assistance to users.
  3. Automating Routine Tasks: Use ChatGPT to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. For example, it can generate reports, perform data analysis, or process simple data requests, freeing up valuable human resources for more strategic activities.
  4. Meeting Scheduling: ChatGPT can be trained to assist in scheduling meetings and appointments. It can also interact with participants, check availability, propose suitable time slots, and even send calendar invites, saving time spent on back-and-forth communication.
  5. Knowledge Base Enhancement: Use ChatGPT to review and update your knowledge base or internal documentation - a task that often gets put to the wayside for more urgent matters. ChatGPT can help identify outdated or incomplete information, suggest improvements, and even draft new articles, making your knowledge base more robust and up-to-date.
  6. Language Translation: If your business operates globally or interacts with customers and partners from different language backgrounds, ChatGPT can assist in real-time language translation. It can help overcome language barriers and facilitate communication.
  7. Training and Onboarding: ChatGPT can support training and onboarding processes by answering common questions from new employees, providing information about company policies and procedures, or guiding them through training materials.
  8. Creating Code: In businesses where code is needed, using ChatGPT to write code can help with writing correct code syntax and structure, identify errors, and even suggest improvements.


It’s important to remember that while ChatGPT can be a powerful tool, it is essential to carefully monitor and review its responses to ensure accuracy and maintain the desired level of quality. 


Related: ChatGPT Knows Enough to be Dangerous


As you read through the list above, you may have thought of other ways ChatGPT can help you or your employees save time while on the clock. The possibilities for this tool are endless throughout industries, jobs, and levels of experience. Utilizing ChatGPT on a human level, and practicing best judgment will not only give you time back in your day, but peace of mind in your top tier communications. ChatGPT in a business can be a valuable tool for saving time and improving efficiency. If you’d like to learn more ways to leverage ChatGPT to optimize your business processes, make sure to sign up to join our live webinar “Secrets Unlocked: Breaking Down the Basics of ChatGPT” hosted by Ironmark.