Ironmark Blog

Exciting Graphic Design Trends for 2020

Written by Hillary Reilly | Jan 29, 2020

The world of graphic design is constantly evolving and changing. As 2020 approaches, everyone is waiting to see what visual trends will emerge, as the last few years were dominated by bright colors, bold gradients, and futuristic creations. However, as the new year unfolds, it appears that design layouts are heading toward dramatic changes, letting go of intense colors and leaning toward a more reserved experience. 

Muted Colors

Say goodbye to bold colors that have become overused in the last few years. Those colors that demand attention with their brightness are being replaced this year with a muted color palette. Muted colors differ from their bright counterparts by being slightly tinted or desaturated, making the colors more subdued. These earthy tones create a home-like feel that designers haven't seen since the 1950s, and bring in a retro feel, even among most modern designs. For example, Pantone has declared that Pantone 19-4052 Classic Blue is the Color of the Year for 2020.


Flowing Shapes and Lines

As many graphic designs head to a more minimalistic and modern approach, they will continue displaying an ability to turn simple into beautiful. The 2020 design trends leaning towards basic lines, shapes, and simple pictures may leave people thinking that the design world will have a boxy feel. However, fluid and organic lines and shapes will be incorporated into many pieces to convey ideas and concepts clearly and elegantly. This combination will not only bring movement to any piece, but also provide a smooth and soft look that will bring agility to designs.  

Abstract & Dreamy Designs

The new year will be a time for imaginative illustrations that will dazzle observers with their eye-catching appeal. With this trend will also come a new wave of doodle art, which has been gaining popularity recently. Incorporating doodling into designs will help them achieve a more personalized, fun, and informal feeling that graphic designers love. 

Heavy Fonts/ Artistic Typography

Graphic design will be heading away from dull and standard font sizes. This year, the trend has shifted into using large, bold weight fonts, with typography becoming the focus of the art. This unique font treatment will help to create design contrast, while using beautiful geometric shapes and creative elements to bring attention to the message, letting it "pop" with a unique style.


Subdued Stock Photos

Muted portraits, effortless landscapes, and neutral photographs are helping designers hone in on the laid-back style of the new year with a creative twist. These photos work well with bold fonts, lucid shapes, and abstract lines that make for exciting designs, unique layouts, and the ability to communicate a designer's message more clearly.


Motion Art

Moving objects, branded animation (e.g., GIFs), and engaging visuals are nothing new. However, 2020 will be the year when graphic design will take this motion art to a whole new level. Imagine 3D objects that can interact with the audience, more unique and eye-catching animation, and designs that are more real than ever before. 

The year 2020 will be a chance for graphic design creativity to shine. With the trends heading toward more muted color schemes, and a brilliant use of simple designs, the tendency will be for these designs to have a more diverse and imaginative feel. Not only will the graphic design world use past inspirations to create a retro experience, but the end result will make for mesmerizing designs, colors, and interpretations that will leave quite an impact. If you're looking for a professional service that will take your designs to the next level, contact us today! Our graphic design team is always ready to take on new projects and show their skills!