Every brand has (or should have) a brand identity. Brand consistency refers to keeping all messaging consistent with that identity. This ensures that the company will consistently expose the market to its core messaging and visuals.

The most successful brands provide consistency in all messaging. Take Dropbox, for example. The company has a light and easy brand identity that shines through in all of its communications, from the logo to its fun messages.

Dove also understands the importance of brand consistency. The company’s blue logo and white background are easily recognizable. The brand uses that color scheme on all of its communications, creating a cohesive brand message.

Brand consistency is key to building awareness and increasing brand recognition. You can enjoy these benefits with the right strategy.

Understand Your Brand Identity and Values

It’s impossible to develop consistent messaging without understanding your brand’s identity and values. After you identify them, you might realize your visual branding elements need to be changed. You can make small changes to your visual imagery, or if necessary, do a complete overhaul.

Create Content Calendars and Curate Content

Content calendars are vital for remaining consistent as a brand. A calendar allows you to plan the content you will post in advance. Create topics for the calendar and ensure they fit into your brand. Don’t worry about coming up with something fresh for each entry in the calendar, because you can also curate content. For example, if your brand sells running shoes, you can curate content from fitness sites that provide running tips.

Related: Building Your Blog Content Strategy: 8 Easy Steps

Build a Relationship Between Online and Offline Marketing

Your brand is likely to have both an online and offline presence. Far too often, brands fail to create a relationship between the two. If you have an offline event, promote it online. Use social media, blog posts, and videos to let the world know about the event. This will show the world that your brand is cohesive.

Align Your Internal and External Communication Practices

Consistency is impossible if your internal communications don’t match your external communications. Internal communications should include the same tone and message as external communications. This is beneficial in two ways. First, it will connect your employees to the brand, boosting their ability to properly handle external communication. Second, it will make your brand more authentic, and authenticity is critical for connecting to your audience.

Keep Your Products and Services Consistent

Brand consistency extends to the products and services you offer. Once a brand has been in business for years, it’s normal for the employees to lose focus. This can worsen when brands cut their budgets. At this point, many brands notice a deterioration in the products and services they offer. If you no longer offer high-quality products and services, you won’t be able to develop a consistent brand. Be sure to maintain high standards of quality.

Get Help With Brand Consistency

Developing and maintaining brand consistency is a full-time job. You can’t just set it up, forget about it, and expect the results you want. With a lot on your plate already, you may want to reach out for help. Instead of stressing about it, schedule a chat with Ironmark. We can ensure your brand remains consistent across all channels. We can even help you develop your brand if needed. It’s time to get to work. Talk to us today.


Written by Reid Broendel

When you need something done for your digital marketing campaigns, you can count on Reid Broendel to find a way. Reid has been on the Ironmark digital marketing client services team since May of 2019. Reid holds the position of Lead Digital Marketing Specialist and brings with him a knack for content management, as well as an enthusiasm for client support, able to jump in at a moment’s notice to help clients and team members on any and all digital marketing needs. From installing tracking codes, to building out emails, to planning out content calendars, Reid is always happy to help. Reid is a graduate of Penn State University, with a B.A. in Advertising. He runs on coffee and spends all his days not in the office working next to his cats.

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